Brewing Excellence: FSSAI CEO Pours The Tea On Safety

The CEO of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), addressed a gathering of Tea Growers and Tea Planters in an interactive session held on January 19, 2024 in Assam. This meeting witnessed active participation from key stakeholders, including officials from FSSAI, the Tea Board, Tea Research Institute, tea planters, tea processors, industry associations, and the Food and Drug Department of the State.

The primary focus of the discussion was on enhancing traceability and testing measures for raw materials. the CEO emphasized the imperative need for screening every batch for pesticide residues and strict adherence to Maximum Residue Limits (MRL) of pesticide usage as prescribed in the Food Safety and Standards Regulations of 2011 (FSSR). The CEO stressed the importance of adopting bio-pesticides and encouraged collaboration with the Tea Board for joint inspection, sampling, and testing processes.

The Tea Board, during the session, underscored the significance of awareness campaigns among planters, aiming to educate them about maintaining a harvesting gap to ensure safe agricultural practices. Planters expressed concerns about unauthorized pesticide use in tea cultivation, urging the State Government to impose a ban on such substances. Processors advocated for the provision of rapid testing kits at the farm gate level to streamline pesticide testing. Scientific Panel members engaged in detailed deliberations on specific pesticides, monitoring procedures, and the prevention of off-label use.

FSSAI is actively extending financial assistance to Assam for upgrading laboratories dedicated to pesticide testing. The need for regular interaction with all stakeholders and the formulation of a time-bound action plan to ensure the availability of safe tea to consumers was also highlighted during the meeting.

The collaborative efforts of all stakeholders have provided a platform for the exchange of insights and have promoted safe, sustainable, and quality-driven tea production in the country. The commitment to fostering a robust tea industry that prioritizes consumer safety and quality standards was evident throughout the session.