Bottled Water Dispensers (Quality Control) Order, 2024 

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has implemented the Bottled Water Dispensers (Quality Control) Order, 2024. The order was published on June 4, 2024 and comes into effect from that date.

All bottled water dispensers must adhere to the specifications outlined in the Indian Standard IS 17681:2022, titled “Bottled Water Dispensers.”

To ensure compliance, dispensers must display the Standard Mark, obtained through a Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) license.

Phased Implementation for Small Businesses

  • Micro and Small Enterprises (MSME): Granted a grace period for compliance:
    • Small Enterprises: Compliance required from October 1st, 2024.
    • Micro Enterprises: Compliance required from January 1st, 2025.
  • General Enterprises (Non-MSME): Compliance mandatory from July 1st, 2024.

Enforcement and Penalties

  • The BIS will be responsible for enforcing the order.
  • Non-compliance will result in penalties as per the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016.