Spilling The Tea On March 2024 Production Estimates

According to the report, the total estimated production of tea in India for March 2024 was 62.52 million kilograms (MKgs). This is a marked decrease from the 79.61 million kilograms produced in March 2023.

Revision In Ceiling Prices Of Coronary Stents

The new ceiling prices are Rs. 10,509.79 per unit for Bare Metal Stents and Rs. 38,267.18 per unit for Drug Eluting Stents (DES). These prices are exclusive of Goods and Services Tax (GST). Manufacturers can revise their existing MRP (Maximum Retail Price) based on the new ceiling price and WPI increase.

Faster CGHS Claim Processing Timelines and Grievance Channels Introduced

The Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) has announced revised timelines and procedures to streamline hospital bill processing for CGHS pensioners. Stricter timelines aim to expedite claim processing by hospitals and CGHS authorities. Delays in claim submission by hospitals can now be reviewed for potential approval depending on the duration of the delay.

New NOC From CDSCO Zonal Offices Required for Export of Unapproved Or Banned Drugs

The Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) has announced a simplified process for obtaining No Objection Certificates (NOCs) for exporting unapproved, banned, or new drugs. Manufacturers shall obtain NOCs from CDSCO zonal offices through the online SUGAM portal (effective May 15th, 2024) before applying for a manufacturing license from state authorities.

Medical Colleges Urged to Submit Stipend Details

he NMC previously instructed colleges to submit stipend information for the 2023-24 financial year by April 23, 2024. However, the NMC has observed that many colleges haven’t submitted the required data. Therefore, the NMC has emphasized that defaulting medical colleges shall submit these details in the prescribed format by May 2, 2024.