DGFT extends validity of ANFs and Appendices

These ANFs and Appendices under the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015- 2020 will be extended till 31st May, 2023 or till new ANFs and Appendices are notified under the Foreign Trade Policy 2023 (FTP 2023), whichever is earlier.

Framework for acceptance of Green Deposits

REs shall put in place a comprehensive Board-approved policy on green deposits laying down therein, all aspects in detail for the issuance and allocation of green deposits.  A copy of the above policy on ‘Green Deposits’ shall be made available on the website of the RE.

National Credit Framework (NCrF)

University Grants Commission vide notification dated April 10, 2023 has introduced the National Credit Framework (NCrF). The NCrF is an enabling framework that lays down basic principles of creditization of learning from various dimensions such as academic, vocational, and experiential learning. NCrF is in furtherance of the National Education Policy 2020 which lays emphasis on […]

Simplified Registration of Core Investment Companies

the RBI has revamped the application form for for registration as Core Investment Companies to make it structured and aligned with the extant CIC regulations. The RBI has provided the revised application form together with an indicative list of documents/information to be furnished along with the application.