SEBI Guidelines for online bond platform providers

To protect user data privacy and prevent unauthorized cross-selling, any entity associated with the online bond platform provider that offers products, securities, or services not regulated by SEBI, RBI, IRDAI, or PFRDA should neither have access to nor receive any information about the users of the online bond platform. This provision reinforces the importance of data security and ensures that users are not subjected to unsolicited offerings outside the regulated scope of the platform.

BIS permits prior IS standards to run concurrently until withdrawal

The previous standard, i.e., IS 17265 : 2022 Textiles — 100 Percent Polyester Spun Grey and White Yarns — Specification (First Revision) will continue in force concurrently with the current standard. The previous standard will be withdrawn on 6th December, 2023.

Environment (Protection) Fourth Amendment Rules, 2023

The Amendment Rules now state that the supply of Genset and Genset engine in respect of which purchase order has been received by the manufacturer on or before the 30th June, 2023 shall be permitted up to the 30th June, 2024 as per defined norms.

BIS Introduces Standard for Agri By-Product Utensils

The BIS states that IS 18267: 2023 covers various aspects, including raw materials, manufacturing techniques, performance, and hygiene requirements for the production of biodegradable utensils. The standard specifically recommends the use of agricultural by-products, such as leaves and sheaths, as preferred materials for making plates, cups, bowls, and more.

Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Amendment Rules, 2023

The Time of Day tariff for Commercial and Industrial consumers having maximum demand more than ten Kilowatt shall be made effective not later than 1st April, 2024. Moreover, for other consumers except agricultural consumers, the Time of Day tariff shall be made effective not later than 1st April, 2025.

SEBI Master circular for Research Analysts

The circular provides an INVESTOR CHARTER IN RESPECT OF RAs to ensure that every investor is able to invest in right investment products based on their needs, manage and monitor them to meet their goals, access reports and enjoy financial wellness.