Vegetable Oils Grading and Marking (Amendment) Rules, 2023

The rules aim to update and refine the regulations governing the grading and marking of vegetable oils. The new rule stipulates that vegetable oils intended for domestic trade must adhere to restrictions regarding residual levels of metal contaminants, pesticide residues, microbial requirements, crop contaminants, naturally occurring toxic substances, and other food safety requirements.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Indian Electricity Grid Code) Regulations, 2023

The regulations clarify that any country connected to the National Grid or Regional Grid will be treated as a separate control area. This recognition enables effective planning of generation and transmission resources to meet projected demand while complying with specified reliability standards. Emphasis is placed on integrating environmentally friendly technologies, such as renewable energy sources, flexible resources, energy storage systems, and demand response measures, to manage the intermittent and variable nature of renewable energy sources.

Bihar Biofuels Production Promotion Policy, 2023

The policy defines the eligibility criteria for different types of units and feedstocks. Standalone distilleries producing 100% fuel-grade Ethanol and CBG/bio- CNG manufacturing units are eligible for incentives under this policy. The production of Ethanol and CBG/bio-CNG from approved feedstocks mentioned in the National Policy on Biofuels, 2018, and subsequent permissions granted by the National Biofuel Coordination Committee are allowed in Bihar.

Master Circular for ESG Rating Providers

In the interest of clarity to market participants, it is mandated that ESG ratings shall be provided on a scale of 0 –100, where 100 represents the maximum score. For existing outstanding ESG ratings, the ERPs shall disclose new rating symbols and definitions on their websites and update their rating lists on their websites. For various ESG rating products (ESG rating, core ESG rating, transition or Parivartan score, other ESG rating products), ERPs shall ensure use of suitable nomenclature (use of prefixes or suffixes, etc.) that enables the end user(s) to differentiate ESG rating products from each other.