Assam pollution control board implements the Integrated Guidance framework for chemical safety.

The Assam Pollution Control Board on 18th June 2022, has directed all the Regional Heads to ensure that the Industries and Isolated Storage covered under the Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989  to submit the details on Onsite Emergency Plans and Safety Audit reports prior to forwarding the respective CTE/CTO applications to the Head Office.

 The National Green Tribunal on 14th December 2021, passed an order regarding implementation of the Integrated Guidance framework for Chemical Safety in respect of the Isolated Storages and Industries covered under the Manufacture. Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989.

This framework covers chemical accident scenarios such as spills/leaks of hazardous chemicals, fires, explosions, or other accidents arising from the handling of hazardous chemicals, and provides guidance to industrial units for conducting safety audits.


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