Assam PCB issues Protocol for Enhanced Monitoring of Pesticides

The Assam PCB has issued a Protocol for Enhanced Monitoring of Pesticides based on order passed by Hon’ble NGT on 26.06.2020. The protocol provides for the following:

  1. The inspection of Technical grade pesticide manufacturing units shall be conducted at least on half yearly basis and the inspection of Pesticide Formulation units shall be conducted at least on annual basis.
  2. The inspections shall be conducted as surprise inspections. Any prior information pertaining to inspection shall not be provided to the industrial units that are to be inspected.
  3. On the basis of violations / shortcomings as observed during the joint inspection, the action on the defaulter pesticide unit may be taken independently by SPCBs/PCCs and/or DPPQS, as applicable, under the provisions of the extant laws.