Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland Issue List of Holidays

The Governor of Arunachal Pradesh is pleased to declare that the holidays as specified
in the Annexure- will be observed in all the offices and institutions under Government of Arunachal
Pradesh during the year 2024. The Deputy Commissioners in respect of their respective districts except the Deputy Commissioner, Capital Complex, Itanagar, are authorized to declare 2 (two) days as Local Holiday out of the festivals enlisted in Annexure-lll. As regards Capital Complex, Local Holiday will be observed on 26/02/2024 on account of Nyokum festival.

The Local Administrative Officers in- charge of the offices under the Govt. of Arunachal
Pradesh located in New Delhi, Assam, Meghalaya, Maharashtra and West Bengal may declare 2
(two) holidays observed in the States where such offices are located during the year 2024. Further, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh is pleased to allow the employees of the State Government to avail any 2(two) holidays as Restricted Holiday out of the list of Restricted Holidays, 2024 as enlisted in Annexure-ll. The above mentioned holidays are not applicable to Banks and other Financial Institutions located in Arunachal Pradesh. A separate notification for declaration of holidays in respect of Banks and
other Financial Institutions located in Arunachal Pradesh during the year 2024 will be issued separately on
receipt of instruction to that effect from the Govt. of India.

The Government of Nagaland issued List of Holidays on General Holidays and Restricted Holidays dated 1-1-2024. To check the entire list check the link below given.