AP Employment of Local Candidates in Industries and Factories Rules, 2019

The Government of Andhra Pradesh in its notification dated 14th October 2019, has issued Andhra Pradesh Employment of Local Candidates in Industries and Factories Rules, 2019. It shall be effective from 14th October 2019

Key Features of the Rules:

The Rules Mandate reserved employment of at least 75% to state candidates (local) in all private industrial units and factories.

The Rule defines local as a person who have been living in the state of Andhra Pradesh for more than 10 years. According to the new law, in case the local candidates lack the skills for the job, the companies, in collaboration with the government, are required to provide the necessary training.

Existing industries, factories, joint ventures or a project undertaken on PPP projects will have to comply with these provisions within a period of 3 years from date of commencement of Act.

The employer/owner of the industry or factory may apply for exemption from the provision of this act to the government. The exemption granted under this rule shall be valid only for 1 year. An industry seeking exemption for more than 1 year shall file a detailed report of the circumstances that necessitate such exemption.

Submission of report

Every employer/occupier/owner shall furnish to the concerned Nodal agency a Quarterly return listing the employee count and vacancies within 30 days after the end of each quarter in the prescribed format appended in Annexure-2.

The Rules mandates, maintenance of record of local status of each employee and shall be produced to the nodal agency on demand.


If any employer/owner refused to furnish information, or furnishes false information or fails to comply with the provision of the act shall be guilty of an offence and punishable for the first offence with fine which may extend to Rs.25,000 and for every subsequent offence with fine which may extend to Rs.5000.

Click here to read the Notification