The Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission vide its notification dated 12th April 2022 has issued the Draft Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff for Wheeling and Retail Sale of Electricity) Third Amendment Regulation, 2022 to provide for the recovery/refund of FPPCA (Fuel and Power Purchase Cost Adjustment) in such a manner and over such a period as may be specified by the Commission in the FPPCA order.
The Commission, in order to avoid sudden tariff shocks/financial burden to/on the consumers/DISCOMs due to the recovery/refund of FPPCA(Fuel and Power Purchase Cost Adjustment) in three equal monthly instalments as per the present Regulation, has decided to amend the Principal Regulation suo-motu to provide for the recovery/refund of FPPCA in such a manner and over such a period as may be specified by the Commission in the FPPCA order
Therefore through this draft amendment, sub-clause 12.5 has been substituted as follows:
The FPPCA determined by the Commission shall be recovered from or refunded to the consumers by the Distribution Licensee, as the case may be, in such a manner and over such a period as may be specified by the Commission in the FPPCA order.