The Tamil Nadu Government on 3 July, 2019 has made amendments to the Tamil Nadu Legal Metrology (Enforcement) Rules, 2011.
A draft of the same has been provided by the government and includes amendments in the licensing and renewal fees for manufacturers, repairers, dealers of weights and measures and the security deposits that are to be made by licensed repairer.
The Licencing and Renewal Fees for Manufacturers, Repairers, Dealers of Weights and Measures are as follows:
(1) Issue of License / renewal of License to:
- Repairer Rs.1500/- per year
- Manufacturer Rs.4000/- per year
- Dealer Rs.500/- per year
(2) Alteration of License: Rs.100/-
(3) Issue of duplicate license: Rs.50/-
As per the Amendment, the Security Deposit to be made by Licensed Repairer of weights and measures including weighing and measuring instruments is Rs.2000.
The charges mentioned in Schedule VI and Schedule IX of the Rules has also been updated.
To read the full notification Click here