The Department of Commerce vide circular dated the 29th November, 2021 has amended the Export Policy of Agar Oil and Agarwood Chips and Powder obtained from artificially propagated source. The policy is amended from free to restricted subject to following conditions:
- Applications for an export license for the export obtained from artificially propagated sources (cultivated origin outside forest areas) should be accompanied by attested copies of certificate of origin issued by an Officer of the Forest Department, authorized by concerned State Government from where stocks were procured/exported, giving details of the date of procurement from legal sources and quantities procured. The certificate of origin should mention that the plantation from which the products was obtained is registered with the State Government.
- A certificate of the current position of stocks so procured and available with the applicant given after physical
verification of the stocks, by the authority nominated for the purpose by the PCCF, should also accompany the
application for an export license. - A copy of the export order received by the concerned firm.
- Colored photograph of products duly certified by the concerned officer designated by the Forest Department.