AERB publishes Safety Code on Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies.

The Atomic Energy Regulatory Board on 6th July 2022, has published the Safety Code on Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies. The Objective of this safety code is to specify the requirements that are intended to mitigate the consequences of a nuclear or radiological emergency if such an emergency arises despite efforts made to prevent it.

The requirements specified in the code apply for preparedness and response phases for a nuclear and radiological emergency in relation to all those facilities (including nuclear power plants) and activities, as well as sources, including fallout from nuclear accident in neighbouring countries with the potential for causing radiation exposure to the individual (workers and public), environmental contamination or concern on the part of the public warranting protective actions and other response actions. This code applies to on-site and off-site preparedness and response for nuclear and radiological emergencies including emergencies during transport of radioactive material.

As per the code, the licensee shall maintain and periodically demonstrate that arrangements are in place for an effective response on the site to a nuclear or radiological emergency in relation to a facility or an activity under its responsibility.

The licensee and the consignor in the case of transport of radioactive material shall promptly take necessary protective actions on the site in response to a nuclear and radiological emergency arising during transport of radioactive material. In case of transport emergencies in the public domain, the licensee and the consignor shall coordinate with the nodal department (DAE) for providing technical support to local authorities for taking protective actions.

The Licensee shall identify hazards of the facility and activities and assess the potential consequences to provide a basis for establishing arrangements for preparedness and response for a nuclear or radiological emergency. Established arrangements shall adopt a graded approach and be commensurate with the hazards and the potential consequences.

The licensee shall make plan for management of radioactive waste (both solid and liquid) generated in a nuclear or radiological emergency, or that might arise from protective actions and other response actions in the site. The treatment, conditioning and storage of radioactive waste shall be carried out in accordance with type and nature of the waste taking into consideration safety, non-radiological aspects of waste , secondary waste generation and economic aspects.

The waste shall be disposed off in an appropriate disposal facility with a level of safety acceptable to regulatory body.