Additional time to send comments on draft IFSCA (Setting up and Operation of International Branch Campuses and Offshore Education Centres) Regulations, 2022

The International Financial Services Centres Authority vide notification dated 21/07/2022 has issued extension of time for seeking public comments on draft International Financial Services Centres Authority (Setting up and Operation of International Branch Campuses and Offshore Education Centres) Regulations, 2022. The general public and stakeholders were priory requested to forward their comments/suggestions through the mail to Mr.Ankit Bhansali at by 21st July, 2022.

It has now been decided to grant additional time of 15 days for public comments. The new regulations shall be applicable to a foreign university or any other foreign educational institution meeting the eligibility criteria specified below, to establish an International Branch Campus (IBC) or an Offshore Educational Centre (OEC) in the GIFT International Financial Services Centre for offering educational and research programmes in the areas of Financial Management, FinTech, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics under this regulatory framework.