Government of Bihar issues Regulations to Hospitals to Combat COVID 19

The Government of Bihar vide notification dated 17th March 2020, has issued The Bihar Epidemic Disease, COVID-19 Regulations, 2020. The Regulations are effective for one year from the date of publication and have been introduced as a measure for prevention of COVID 19.

The following are the key points in the Regulations:

  1. All hospitals irrespective of being government or private are required to have segregated corners for flu patients, these corners shall be separated from regular OPD for the purpose of COVID 19 screening process.
  2. All hospitals have to compulsorily record the history of travel or being in contact of a COVID 19 positive or suspects of the persons being screened for the virus.
  3. Without the prior permission of the Government of Bihar no person or institution is allowed to use any print or electronic media to disseminate any form of information regarding the virus.
  4. All COVID 19 tests are to be done at authorized government labs as per the guidelines given by the Government of India. No private laboratories can indulge in such testing.
  5. Any person, institution or organization will be liable under Section 188 of Indian Penal Code if found liable of doing any act in contravention to the Regulations.

The Regulations have been introduced so as to increase efficiency in testing of COVID 19 suspects and as preventive measures against the pandemic.

Click here to read the Notification.