The Minister of Health and Family has introduced The Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill, 2020 in Lok Sabha on 2nd March 2020 which seeks to amend section 3 of Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 to extend the upper limit for medical termination pregnancy to 24 weeks from the present stipulated of 20 weeks for certain category of women which may be prescribed by the central government. Further, the central government will notify the norms for the medical practitioner whose opinion is required for termination of the pregnancy.
As per the Bill the opinion of one doctor will be required for termination of pregnancy up to 20 weeks and Approval of two registered medical practitioners will be required for termination of pregnancies between 20 to 24 weeks.
The termination of pregnancies up to 24 weeks will only apply to specific categories of women, as may be prescribed by the central government. Further, the central government will notify the norms for the medical practitioner whose opinion is required for termination of the pregnancy.
Under the Act, if any pregnancy occurs as a result of failure of any device or method used by a married woman or her husband to limit the number of children, such an unwanted pregnancy may constitute a grave injury to the mental health of the pregnant woman. The Bill amends this provision to replace ‘married woman or her husband’ with ‘woman or her partner’.
Further, the Bill states that no registered medical practitioner will be allowed to reveal the name and other particulars of a woman whose pregnancy has been terminated, except to a person authorized by any law. Anyone who contravenes this provision will be punishable with imprisonment of up to one year, or with a fine, or both.
Click here to read the Notification.