Ministry of Environment proposes to amend the provision relating to scoping under Environmental Impact Assessment

The Ministry of Environment , Forest and Climate Change vide its notification dated 17th February 2020 has notified the amendment to the process of scoping under Environmental Impact Assessment.

The process of Environmental Clearance involves four stages namely, Screening, scoping, public consultation and appraisal. Through this notification the ministry has proposed to completely revise the existing process of Scoping for environmental clearance.

The term Scoping” refers to the process to determine detailed and comprehensive Terms of Reference (ToR) addressing all relevant environmental concerns for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment /Environment Management Report with respect to a project or activity for which prior environmental clearance is sought.

On acceptance of the application, within 7 working days of its receipt, the Standard Terms of References will be automatically issued to the following projects or activities, without referring to Expert Appraisal Committee (“EAC”) by the regulatory authority. In case of rejection of application, the regulatory authority, after due personal hearing, must communicate the decision with reasons to the applicant in writing within 60 days of receipt of the application.

Further All projects or activities proposed to be located in industrial estates or parks approved by the concerned authorities, and which are not disallowed in such approvals.

Click here to read the Notification.


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IFSCA’s listing regulations represent a comprehensive framework designed to bolster the transparency, sustainability, and overall integrity of India’s financial markets. By mandating detailed disclosures, emphasizing

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