The Kerala Pollution Control Board (KPCB) has announced revisions to its categorization of industries based on their pollution potential. This revision was announced through a circular dated January 5, 2025.
This update aims to streamline the application process for Consent to Operate (CTO) or registration for various industrial activities.
Key Points:
The KPCB has revised its list of industries categorized as Red, Orange, Green, and White based on pollution potential. This list was initially implemented in 2016 and has been updated to include additional industries not previously classified.
The update adds 309 new industries to the categorization list, including Gamma Sterilization Units (White category) and Automobile workshops with limited horsepower (Green category, with specific pollution control requirements).
Based on industry feedback and a pollution monitoring study, the PCB has reclassified gate and grill manufacturing units:
- Units with a total horsepower of 7.5 or less (involving grinding, cutting, hammering, and welding without painting) fall under the “engineering and fabrication units” category (White).
- Units exceeding 7.5 horsepower (involving grinding, cutting, hammering, and welding without painting) remain in the Green category (“Gate and grill”).
This revision clarifies the pollution categorization for various industries, ensuring the appropriate application process and pollution control measures.
- Industrial facilities should review the revised categorization list to determine their applicable category.
- Applicants for CTO or registration should ensure their applications align with the designated category for their specific activities.
- Units exceeding the 7.5 horsepower threshold for gate and grill manufacturing must comply with Green category pollution control regulations.