SEBI permits stock brokers to upload same mobile number/E-mail address for more than one client belonging to same family

SEBI has clarified that, under exceptional circumstances, a stock broker may, at the specific written request of a client, upload the same mobile number/E-mail address for more than one client provided such client belong to one family (in case of individual clients) or such client is the authorised person of an HUF, Corporate, Partnership or Trust(in case of non-individual clients).

Family / Authorised person for this purpose shall include:

  1. In case of individuals, self, spouse, dependent children and dependent parents.
  2. In case of HUF, Karta or any of the Co-parceners as per prior approval of Karta.
  3. In case of Partnership firm, any of the partners as per prior approval of all/authorised partners.
  4. In case of a Trust, any of the trustees or beneficiaries as per resolution passed by the Trust.
  5. In case of Corporates, the Authorized person operating the trading account as per the Board Resolution passed by the Corporate.