New Kerala Repealing and Saving Bill, 2024

The Government of Kerala on October 07, 2024, issued the Kerala Repealing and Saving Bill, 2024 to repeal certain Amendment Acts.

This bill targets the repeal of 110 Amendment Acts as specified in its Schedule

What Does the Bill Entail?

The core aim of this legislation is to streamline the existing body of laws by removing outdated or redundant amendments. However, the bill goes beyond mere repeal; it includes critical provisions designed to safeguard the integrity of existing legal rights and obligations.

The Key Features of the bill :

  1. Comprehensive Repeal: The bill explicitly lists the 110 Amendment Acts that are set to be repealed. This clarity helps in understanding the scope of the legislative changes.
  2. Non-Affecting Clause: One of the most crucial aspects of this bill is the assurance that the repeal of these acts will not affect any other laws where the amendments were applied. This means that any legal actions, rights, or obligations that were established under the repealed laws remain valid and intact.
  3. Preservation of Legal Principles: The bill also emphasizes that existing legal principles, jurisdiction, and established practices will continue to function as before. This provision aims to ensure that the repeal does not disrupt the established legal landscape in Kerala.
  4. No Revival of Non-Existing Matters: Importantly, the bill clarifies that the repeal will not revive any jurisdiction, rights, or obligations that are no longer in force. This aspect ensures that there is no confusion regarding the status of any previously existing laws that have been abolished.

 Effective Date: The bill is set to come into force on October 7, 2024