New Amendments to the Goa Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules

The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Goa on September 19th 2024 notified the Goa Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Second Amendment) Rules 2024 further to amend the Goa Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules 2018.

The amendments are designed to streamline and clarify the responsibilities of various departments and officials involved in the empowerment of persons with disabilities.

Key Amendments

  1.  Changes to Existing Rules

Amendments to Rule 3

The first amendment involves the substitution of the title of the relevant authority:

  • The phrase “The Director, Directorate of Social Welfare” has been replaced with “The Director, Department for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities” in sub-rule (1), clause (iv).

Amendments to Rule 4

This rule has seen several significant changes:

  • Sub-rule (3): The term “Directorate of Social Welfare” is now replaced with “Department for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities.”
  • Sub-rule (4): The phrase “Assistant Director of Directorate of Social Welfare dealing with Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities” is substituted with “Official not below the rank of Assistant Director, Department for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities.

These adjustments clarify the roles and responsibilities of officials, ensuring that the focus remains on empowerment.

Amendments to Rule 14

In clause (viii), the phrase “Assistant Director of the Directorate of Social Welfare dealing with empowerment of persons with disabilities” has been changed to “Official not below the rank of Assistant Director, Department for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities.” This amendment further emphasizes the department’s authority in managing disability-related affairs.

Amendments to Rule 25

This rule, concerning the administrative framework, also received crucial updates:

  • Clause (a): “Secretary (Social Welfare)” is now referred to as “Secretary (Department for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities).”
  • Clause (f): The term “Director of Social Welfare” has been updated to “Director of Department for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities.”

These amendments aim to reinforce the governance structure and ensure that responsibilities are clearly defined.

Why These Changes Matter

These amendments are more than just bureaucratic adjustments; they represent a commitment by the Government of Goa to prioritize the rights and empowerment of persons with disabilities. By clarifying roles and responsibilities, the government aims to create a more efficient and focused approach to addressing the needs of this community.


The Goa Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Second Amendment) Rules, 2024, mark a significant step forward in the state’s efforts to enhance the rights and empower individuals with disabilities. By streamlining governance and clarifying responsibilities, the government is laying the groundwork for more effective support and advocacy.