CERC Publishes Timelines For Implementation Of DSM Regulations

The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has announced a partial modification to the implementation timeline of its Deviation Settlement Mechanism and Related Matters Regulations, 2024 (DSM Regulations).

It may be recalled that the CERC had introduced these new regulations to ensure grid security and stability by managing deviations in electricity drawal and injection schedules. The regulations were published on August 21, 2024.

By the present notification, CERC has notified the dates on which various provisions of the regulations will come into force as follows:

I. Charges for deviation by way of injection of infirm power

The stipulation in DSM Regulations regarding charges for deviation by way of injection of infirm power will now come into effect on November 1, 2024.

Infirm Power means electricity injected into the grid prior to the commercial operation of a unit or block of the generating station.

The DSM Regulations state that charges for deviation by way of injection of infirm power shall be zero if infirm power is scheduled after trial run as specified in the Grid Code. However, the charges for deviation over the scheduled infirm power shall be as applicable for a general seller or WS seller, as the case may be.

II. Charges for deviation for injection of scheduled infirm power

Until October 31, 2024, CERC’s Order dated February 6, 2023, on charges for deviation for injection of scheduled inform power will remain in operation.

CERC’s Order stated that the charges for deviation for injection of infirm power shall be zero. However, where such infirm power was scheduled, the charges for deviation for such power shall be as applicable for a general seller.

III. All other provisions of the DSM Regulations, 2024

All other provisions of the DSM Regulations, 2024, have come into effect on September 16, 2024.

This delay in implementing specific clauses allows for further adjustments and considerations before its enforcement.