National Medical Commission Introduces SOP for Handling Appeals

The Ethics & Medical Registration Board (EMRB) of the National Medical Commission (NMC) has implemented a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to streamline the process of handling appeals from Registered Medical Practitioners (RMPs) against decisions made by State Medical Councils. This SOP was published on September 9, 2024.

The SOP outlines the various stages of an appeal process, from receipt of the appeal to its final disposition. The goal is to ensure that decisions are not only legally sound but also fair, reasonable, and transparent, considering each case on its merits without bias or prejudice.

Key Provisions of the SOP

Appeal Submission

Appeals can be submitted both online and offline. However, all applications must adhere to a specific checklist, including a prescribed format, fee payment, affidavit, and timely submission.

Incomplete Applications

Incomplete applications or those not filed by a Registered Medical Practitioner may be rejected. Deficiencies will be communicated to the applicant, who must submit the missing documents to proceed. The Board may condone delays beyond the stipulated 60-day window if a valid reason is provided.

Complete appeals will be categorized based on the documents provided. A note will be prepared, outlining the issues raised in the initial complaint and appeal, the violated regulations, relevant parts of the SMC’s order, and any relevant court instructions.

The SOP aims to ensure a fair and efficient process for handling appeals, upholding the principles of justice and transparency within the medical profession.