Mizoram Raises VAT on Petrol and Diesel, Introduces New Cesses: What You Need to Know

On September 3, 2024, the Government of Mizoram issued a pivotal notification regarding significant changes in the taxation of petrol and diesel. This update introduces increased VAT rates and new cesses aimed at bolstering infrastructure funding and road maintenance.

Revised VAT Rates

The notification marks a substantial adjustment in the VAT rates for two major fuel categories:

  • High-Speed Diesel (HSD): The VAT rate has been increased from 5.23% to 10%.
  • Motor Spirit (MS) or Petrol: The VAT rate has been raised from 16.36% to 18%.

Why the Increase?

The adjustment in VAT rates reflects the state government’s need to address fiscal requirements and fund various development initiatives. Higher VAT rates on fuels are often used to generate additional revenue for public projects, especially in areas related to transportation and infrastructure.

Introduction of New Cesses

In addition to the VAT rate hike, the Mizoram Government has introduced two new cesses effective September 1, 2024:

  1. Social Infrastructure and Services Cess:
    • High-Speed Diesel (HSD): Rs. 2.00 per litre
    • Motor Spirit (MS) or Petrol: Rs. 2.00 per litre
  2. Road Maintenance Cess:
    • High-Speed Diesel (HSD): Rs. 2.00 per litre
    • Motor Spirit (MS) or Petrol: Rs. 2.00 per litre

Purpose of the Cesses: These cesses are designed to raise funds specifically for the development of social infrastructure and road maintenance. The Social Infrastructure and Services Cess aims to support projects related to education, healthcare, and public services, while the Road Maintenance Cess will fund the upkeep and enhancement of road networks.

Implications for Stakeholders

1. Consumers: The combined effect of the VAT increase and the new cesses will lead to higher retail prices for petrol and diesel. This price increase can impact daily expenses for individuals who rely on these fuels for personal and professional use. Consumers should be prepared for a rise in transportation costs, which could affect their overall budget.

2. Businesses: For businesses, particularly those in logistics, transportation, and manufacturing sectors that depend heavily on diesel, the increased costs could significantly affect their bottom line. Companies will need to reassess their cost structures and pricing strategies to mitigate the impact of these higher fuel costs.

3. Retailers and Fuel Stations: Retailers and fuel stations will be required to adjust their pricing mechanisms to reflect the new VAT rates and cesses. They will need to ensure compliance with the revised tax structure and update their point-of-sale systems accordingly.

4. Government and Public Services: The additional revenue generated from these changes is expected to support essential public services and infrastructure projects. Improved funding for road maintenance can lead to better road quality, potentially reducing vehicle operating costs and improving safety.

Implementation and Compliance

Effective Date: The new VAT rates and cesses are effective from September 1, 2024. All transactions involving petrol and diesel from this date will be subject to the revised rates. Businesses and consumers should be aware of this date to ensure compliance with the new tax structure.

Strategic Recommendations

  • For Consumers: Budget for the anticipated increase in fuel costs and explore cost-saving measures where possible, such as carpooling or using more fuel-efficient vehicles.
  • For Businesses: Review and adjust pricing strategies to reflect the increased fuel costs. Consider consulting with financial advisors to manage the impact on profit margins.
  • For Retailers: Update pricing and accounting systems to incorporate the new VAT rates and cesses. Ensure that all communications and signage accurately reflect the revised prices.


The Mizoram Government’s latest notification represents a significant shift in the tax landscape for petrol and diesel. With increased VAT rates and new cesses introduced to fund vital infrastructure and services, both consumers and businesses will face higher costs.