New Footwear made from All Rubber and all Polymeric Material and its Components (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2024

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry on August 30th 2024 issued an important amendment to the Footwear made from All Rubber and all Polymeric Material and its Components (Quality Control) Order, 2024. This amendment introduces key changes that impact the manufacturing and selling of footwear in India.

Overview of the Amendment

The amendment to the Footwear made from All Rubber and all Polymeric Material and its Components (Quality Control) Order, 2024, revises the conditions under which existing stock can be sold. The amendment is officially named the Footwear made from All Rubber and all Polymeric Material and its Components (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2024.

1)Revised Proviso for Existing Stock

The amendment modifies the fifth proviso of the original Footwear Quality Control Order. The new proviso states:

2)Extended Sale Period: Footwear that was manufactured or imported before the commencement of this Order and does not bear the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) mark can be sold, displayed, or offered for sale up until July 31, 2026.

This extension provides a significant grace period for existing inventory, allowing businesses more time to comply with the new quality control requirements.

Implications of the Amendment

1)Extended Compliance Period

The extension of the sale period to July 31, 2026, for existing stock without the BIS mark helps manufacturers and importers avoid immediate financial losses associated with rapid compliance changes. This provides ample time for businesses to align their products with the new standards without the pressure of an immediate overhaul.

2)Impact on Businesses

For Manufacturers and Importers: Businesses should take this time to ensure that all new stock complies with the updated quality control standards and obtains the necessary BIS certification.

For Consumers: The amendment aims to ensure that all products in the market, including those that are still being sold during the grace period, will eventually meet the required quality standards, thereby enhancing consumer safety and confidence.

3)Quality Assurance

The revised Order continues to emphasize the importance of the BIS mark, which serves as a hallmark of quality and compliance. The extended period for selling existing stock does not diminish the requirement for new products to adhere to the BIS standards.

Action Steps for Stakeholders

  • Review and Inventory Management: Businesses should review their existing stock and manage inventory in light of the extended sale period. This involves checking current compliance status and preparing for future stock to meet the new standards.
  • BIS Certification: Begin or continue the process of obtaining BIS certification for new products to ensure compliance with the updated quality control standards.
  • Documentation and Communication: Ensure proper documentation and communication with the Bureau of Indian Standards regarding existing stock declarations and compliance plans.

Effective Date: August 30th 2024.


The Footwear made from All Rubber and all Polymeric Material and its Components (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2024, provides a crucial adjustment to the regulatory framework for footwear quality control. By extending the period during which existing non-compliant stock can be sold, the amendment offers businesses the flexibility needed to transition smoothly to the new standards while maintaining public interest in product quality and safety.