Amendment to the Potable Water Bottles (Quality Control) Order, 2024

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry on August 29th 2024 issued amendment to the Potable Water Bottles (Quality Control) Order, 2024. This amendment is in response to public interest and is aimed at refining and clarifying the compliance requirements for manufacturers and importers of potable water bottles. The amendment is officially titled the Potable Water Bottles (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2024.


The original Potable Water Bottles (Quality Control) Order, 2024, was established to enforce stringent quality control measures for potable water bottles, ensuring that products meet specified standards to safeguard public health. This order is a critical component of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Act, 2016, which regulates quality standards across various industries.

Key Provisions of the Amendment

1)New Proviso

The amendment introduces a new proviso to the existing Potable Water Bottles (Quality Control) Order, 2024. The key points of this new proviso are:

a) Application to Existing Stock: The new proviso allows for goods or articles that were either domestically manufactured or imported before the commencement of this amendment to be sold or displayed for up to six months after the date of the amendment.

b) Certification Requirement: The manufacturers or importers must be certified by the Bureau of Indian Standards or must have applied for certification. This is crucial to ensure that only compliant products are marketed.

c) Declaration of Existing Stock: Manufacturers or importers are required to provide a declaration, certified by a Chartered Accountant, to the Bureau regarding their existing stock. This declaration will serve as proof of compliance with the provisions outlined in the amendment.

Implications of the Amendment

1.Flexibility for Manufacturers and Importers

The amendment provides a practical grace period of six months for existing stock, which helps mitigate the impact of immediate compliance requirements. This flexibility is designed to accommodate businesses that have already invested in inventory and need time to adjust to the new standards.

2.Enhanced Compliance

By requiring certification and declarations from manufacturers and importers, the amendment ensures that only products meeting the new quality control standards will be available in the market. This step reinforces the commitment to maintaining high quality and safety standards for potable water bottles.

3.Administrative Ease

The introduction of a formal declaration process, certified by a Chartered Accountant, simplifies the compliance verification process for the Bureau of Indian Standards. This streamlined approach aids in effective enforcement and monitoring of the quality control measures.

Next Steps for Stakeholders

Manufacturers and importers of potable water bottles should take the following actions in response to the amendment:

  • Review Existing Stock: Evaluate existing inventory to ensure that it complies with the new standards or is eligible for the six-month grace period.
  • Obtain Certification: Ensure that all products and practices are certified by the Bureau of Indian Standards if they have not already been.
  • Submit Declarations: Prepare and submit the required declarations to the Bureau, certified by a Chartered Accountant, to comply with the amendment’s provisions.

Effective Date:  August 29th 2024


The Potable Water Bottles (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2024 represents a balanced approach to regulatory enforcement, allowing businesses to adapt to new standards while maintaining rigorous quality controls. By addressing existing stock concerns and streamlining compliance requirements, this amendment aims to ensure that the transition to improved quality standards is smooth and effective.