Electricity Deviation Settlement Mechanism Regulations, 2024

The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has introduced new regulations to ensure grid security and stability by managing deviations in electricity drawal and injection schedules. These regulations were published on August 21, 2024. However they will come into force only when specifically notified by the CERC.

The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and Related Matters) Regulations, 2024, aim to establish a commercial mechanism for penalizing grid users who deviate from their scheduled electricity consumption or generation. These regulations will apply to all grid-connected regional entities and those involved in inter-state electricity trade.

Key Provisions of the Regulations

Grid users must adhere to their scheduled electricity drawal and injection to maintain grid stability. Deviations will generally be managed through ancillary services.

The CERC will calculate deviation charges based on the difference between the scheduled and actual electricity consumption or generation.

The Regional Power Committees will be responsible for calculating deviation charges and issuing statements to regional entities.

Regional entities must pay deviation charges within 10 days of receiving the statement. Late payments will attract a surcharge. Failure to pay charges may result in the encashment of a Letter of Credit (LC).