New Punjab’s Youth Services Policy 2024

On August 14, 2024, the Government of Punjab officially announced the Youth Services Policy – 2024. This policy aims to enhance the development of the state’s youth by providing structured opportunities and support in various aspects of their lives.

Introduction to the Youth Services Policy 2024

The Punjab Youth Services Policy 2024 is designed to promote a holistic development approach for the state’s youth, who represent 46.5% of the population, or approximately 1.38 crore individuals. The policy focuses on nurturing attributes that contribute to a well-rounded, progressive, and fulfilling life experience.

Vision of the Policy

  1. Developing a Balanced Outlook: Encourage youth, aged 15 to 35, to cultivate a positive and balanced perspective towards life.
  2. Fostering Responsible Citizenship: Equip young individuals with qualities that make them responsible citizens.
  3. Systematic Promotion of Key Attributes: Achieve these goals by systematically working on seven defined attributes.

Core Attributes to Promote

  1. Social and Organizational Skills: Develop skills to interact respectably within society.
  2. Moral Values: Instill good values and morals for a prosperous life.
  3. Healthy Leisure Activities: Encourage hobbies and activities that aid relaxation.
  4. Respect for Nature: Foster a connection with nature.
  5. Broad Outlook: Exposure to diverse cultures and experiences.
  6. Talent Discovery: Reveal hidden talents through youth festivals.
  7. Adventurous Spirit: Promote awareness of life’s possibilities through adventurous activities.

Actionable Points and Implementation Strategies

1. Formation and Functioning of Youth Clubs

  • Objective: Ensure every village has a functional Youth Club.
  • Collaborators: Department of Youth Affairs and Sports Department.

2. Development of Activity Guidelines

  • Objective: Create a set of activities to guide all Youth Clubs.
  • Measurement and Scoring: A detailed scoring system for various activities, such as cultural programs, environmental efforts, and vocational training.

3. Exposure Visits and Interaction Calendar

  • Objective: Prepare a calendar for organizing exposure visits and interactions among Youth Clubs.
  • Target: Facilitate exposure visits for at least 20,000 youth to various cultural and national locations.

4. Financial Assistance for Exposure Visits

  • Objective: Provide financial aid to Youth Clubs for organizing exposure visits.
  • Budget: ₹8 crore, with ₹4,000 allocated per youth for such activities.

5. Evaluation Criteria for Activities

  • Objective: Establish objective criteria for assessing the activities of each Youth Club.
  • Implementation: Use the pre-defined scoring system to evaluate and rank activities.

6. Recognition and Rewards

  • Objective: Recognize and reward top-performing clubs at the district and state levels.
  • Rewards: Top three clubs in each district will receive ₹5 lakh, ₹3 lakh, and ₹2 lakh, respectively. A total budget of ₹2.3 crore has been allocated for this purpose.

7. Corporate Sector Collaboration

  • Objective: Facilitate collaboration between Youth Clubs and the corporate sector through CSR funds.
  • Method: Engage the corporate sector with the help of an IT platform.

8. IT Platform Development

  • Objective: Create an IT platform to monitor and coordinate Youth Club activities.
  • Features: Clubs will have accounts to upload activity logs, photos, and videos, and to interact with other clubs.

9. Adventure Sports Training Institute

  • Objective: Establish an adventure sports training institute in the Shivalik foothills.
  • Land Requirement: Identify 100 acres in Hoshiarpur, Ropar, or Mohali.
  • Activities: Organize hiking and trekking camps for 8,000 youth, with a budget of ₹8 crore allocated for these activities.

Detailed Scoring and Evaluation

The policy includes a scoring system for evaluating Youth Clubs based on various activities, such as:

  • Cultural Programs: Number of participants.
  • Environmental Efforts: Number of trees grown and reduction in stubble burning.
  • Health Camps: Units of blood donated and number of eye check-ups conducted.
  • Vocational Training: Number of individuals trained.
  • Sports and Emergencies: Organizing sports tournaments and aiding in calamities.


The Punjab Youth Services Policy 2024 represents a comprehensive effort to engage and empower the state’s youth. By focusing on diverse aspects of youth development, from social skills to adventurous activities, the policy aims to create a supportive and dynamic environment for young individuals to thrive. Through systematic implementation and collaborative efforts, Punjab is set to enhance the quality of life for its youth and foster a generation of responsible and well-rounded citizens.