New Electronic Processes Rules in Rajasthan

The Government of Rajasthan on August 16th 2024 issued a notification regarding the introduction of the Rajasthan Electronic Processes (Issuance, Service, and Execution) Rules, 2024. This set of regulations aims to streamline and modernize how court processes are managed, making use of digital tools and electronic communication.

Rajasthan Electronic Processes Rules, 2024

The Rajasthan Electronic Processes (Issuance, Service, and Execution) Rules, 2024, are designed to govern the issuance, service, and execution of court processes through electronic means. This includes everything from summons to warrants, and the rules apply to all courts in Rajasthan. The aim is to leverage technology to improve efficiency and accessibility in the judicial process.

Key Aspects of the New Rules

  1. Application: These rules apply to all courts mentioned in the Code and Sanhita, covering both existing and new cases.
  2. Issuance and Service of Processes: Courts can issue processes electronically via CIS or NSTEP (an Android app). This means summons and warrants can now be generated and dispatched digitally.
  3. Language and Authentication: Language: Processes are typically issued in Hindi but can be in English if necessary. Authentication: Electronic processes must include digital signatures and the court seal, ensuring their legitimacy.
  4. Maintaining Contact Information: Police stations are required to record verified contact details (email, phone numbers, etc.) of informants, victims, and witnesses in CCTNS and their own registers. This ensures that communication is streamlined and reliable.
  5. Service of Summons: Summons can be sent via email or other digital means. If a summons is sent electronically, acknowledgment of receipt is necessary and must be documented. In cases where electronic service fails, traditional methods will be used.
  6. Acknowledgment of Service: When served electronically, acknowledgment must be collected and will form part of the service report. This includes using screenshots or other proof of receipt.
  7. Handling Sensitive Information: In cases involving sensitive matters such as sexual offences or crimes against children, the identity of victims must be protected. Such processes must be handled discreetly, and reports should be sealed to maintain confidentiality.
  8. Pending Matters: The new rules do not alter the existing powers of courts to manage processes in cases that are already underway under the Code of Criminal Procedure.

How Does This Affect You?

For legal professionals and members of the public, these new rules mean that more court processes will be handled digitally, improving speed and efficiency. It’s important to be aware of these changes, especially if you are involved in a legal matter in Rajasthan.

For Legal Practitioners: Ensure that you are familiar with the digital tools (CIS, NSTEP) and understand the requirements for electronic signatures and communication.

Effective Date: August 16th 2024.