New Updates To Shops and Establishments Rules in Maharashtra

On July 22nd, 2024, the Industries, Energy, Labour, and Mining Department of Maharashtra introduced important amendments to the Maharashtra Shops and Establishments (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2018. These changes, outlined in the Maharashtra Shops and Establishments (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) (Amendment) Rules, 2024, focus on enhancing documentation requirements for establishments.

Key Changes in the Amendment:

  1. Insurance Certificate Requirement:
    • Form A and D: A new entry, 13A Insurance certificate of establishment, has been added after entry 13. This means that establishments will now need to provide an insurance certificate in these forms.
    • Form F: Similarly, a new entry, 11A Insurance certificate of establishment, has been introduced after entry 11, reinforcing the need for insurance documentation.
  2. Updates to Schedules:
    • Schedule – Part A: A new sub-entry, (3A) Copy of insurance certificate of insurance of the establishment, has been inserted after sub-entry (3). This will ensure that insurance documentation is a mandatory part of the schedule.
    • Schedule – Part B: After sub-entry (4), a new sub-entry, (4A) Copy of insurance certificate of insurance of the establishment, has been added, emphasizing the need for insurance certificates in this part of the schedule.
    • Schedule – Part C: A new sub-entry, (3) Copy of insurance certificate of insurance of the establishment, has been introduced after sub-entry (2), making insurance documentation a requirement in this section as well.

Implications for Establishments:

  1. Documentation Compliance: Establishments must now ensure they possess and submit an insurance certificate as part of their regulatory documentation. This update emphasizes the importance of maintaining valid insurance coverage and having it readily available for inspections or submissions.
  2. Administrative Adjustments: Organizations should update their records and documentation practices to incorporate these new requirements. This will involve obtaining and submitting insurance certificates in the specified forms and schedules.
  3. Regulatory Alignment: By aligning with these new rules, establishments will stay compliant with state regulations, avoiding potential issues related to incomplete documentation.