No More Glanders Disease Restrictions in Kaithal District

The Government of Haryana, Animal Husbandry & Dairying Department has announced a significant update regarding equine species (horses, donkeys, mules, etc.) in Kaithal District on July 18th 2024. As of today, the district is no longer classified as a “Control Area” for Glanders disease.

Glanders Disease

Glanders is a contagious and potentially deadly disease that affects horses, donkeys, and mules. It’s caused by the bacterium Burkholderia mallei and can be transmitted to humans. Because of its severity, areas affected by Glanders are often put under strict movement controls to prevent the spread of the disease.

The Change indicates:

The lifting of the CONTROL AREA status means that:

  • Equine animals can now move freely within Kaithal District.
  • These animals can also be transported in and out of Kaithal District without restrictions.
  • Events such as horse races, fairs, exhibitions, games, and gatherings involving horses and other equine animals can now be held in Kaithal District.

This decision was made by the Government of Haryana under the authority given by the Prevention and Control of Infectious and Contagious Diseases in Animals Act of 2009. Specifically, Sub-Section (5) of Section 6 of this Act allows the government to designate and de-notify control areas as necessary.

Removing the control area status is a positive sign indicating that the risk of Glanders in Kaithal District has decreased significantly. This change will benefit local equine owners, breeders, and event organizers by allowing them to resume their activities without the previous restrictions.