Tea Board of India Issues New Compliance Directives for 2024

The Tea Board, India on July 15th 2024, issued directives regarding the mandatory compliance by all tea manufacturers.

The following has been clearly stated:

Regions where the rules apply: The directives apply to manufacturing units in all elevations in Darjeeling Hills, Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Dooars, Terai regions of West Bengal, and Bihar.

  1. Last Date of Plucking/Receiving Green Leaves: November 30, 2024
  2. Last Date of Processing Green Leaf at the Factory: December 02, 2024
  3. Last Date for Intimation/Declaration to the Tea Board: December 03, 2024
  4. Last Date for Completion of Sorting, Gapping, Packing, and Moving Packed Teas: For CTC Tea Manufacturing: December 13, 2024
  5. For Orthodox/Green Tea Manufacturing: December 18, 2024

Exemptions and Special Cases

If your tea garden has adopted new pruning or cultivation practices that lead to an early crop, or if you manufacture orthodox, green, or specialty teas, you might be eligible for an exemption. You can apply for this exemption at your respective Tea Board office.


This order has been issued well in advance to give tea gardens and factories enough time to plan accordingly. Failure to follow these directions, the Tea Board will take necessary action as per clause 5(1)(d) of the Tea (Marketing) Control Order, 2003.

Clause 5(1)(d) of the Tea (Marketing) Control Order, 2003 outlines the consequences for failing to comply with the directives issued by the Tea Board of India. Specifically, it states that the Tea Board has the authority to take necessary actions against non-compliant tea manufacturers. These actions could include penalties, suspension of licenses, or other measures deemed appropriate to ensure compliance with the regulations.

Deadline for request of exemption: 20th July 2024.