The Central Pollution Control Board Issues New Updates to Draft Report on Classification of Sectors in Red, Orange, Green, White and Blue Categories

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) on July 11th 2024 invited comments/suggestions on Addendum and substitution thereto in Draft Report on Classification of Sectors in Red, Orange, Green, White and Blue Categories.

The Following substitution has been made:

  1. Previously in the Draft Report on Classification of Sectors in Red, Orange, Green, White and Blue Categories, Section 6 stated -Types of sectors based on their activities. As per the Addendum and substitution Section 6 states – Types of sectors considered for classification.

The revised methodology of classification will be applicable to all industries which may have potential for generation of environmental pollutants.

As per the Industrial Dispute Act ,1947, INDUSTRY means any business, trade, undertaking, manufacture, or calling of employers and includes any calling, service, employment, handicraft or industrial occupation or avocation of workman. However, based on the type of operational activities, the industries are divided into the 4 sectors:

  1. Industrial sector
  2. Essential Environmental Services (EES)
  3. Service /infrastructure Development Sectors
  4. Others/Special Category Sectors

2) Insertion Of a New Section After Section-8, which is Section- 9 that states- Incentives to unit in a sector for adopting measures resulting to better environmental performance.

A methodology has been developed to offer incentives to units in a sector that are dedicated to reducing their environmental impact. This can be achieved by ensuring 100% treatment and reuse of wastewater, relying entirely on cleaner fuel alternatives like PNG, LPG, compressed biogas, propane, butane, and electricity for their energy needs, meeting targets set by sector-specific environmental charters of CPCB/SPCB, and using cleaner processes or technologies to eliminate the generation of toxic or hazardous pollutants.


Comments and suggestions on Sections 6 and 9 of the draft report are invited from stakeholders, associations, SPCBs/PCCs, academia, and the general public.

Email To:   with the subject title, COMMENTS ON DRAFT REPORT ON CLASSIFICATION. Deadline for submission of feedback: 11th August 2024