Haryana Government Issues New GST Amendment

The Government of Haryana on July 15th 2024, amended an older notification No.36/ST-2, dated June 30th ,2017, related to agricultural farm produce. This update changes how agricultural produce is treated under GST, particularly focusing on how large quantities are packaged and labelled.

Key Amendments:

  1. Clause Change:
    • The original notification had a clause that ended with a period (.). This has now been replaced with a colon (:).
  2. New Addition:
    • A new additional statement has been added to clarify the rules. The new proviso states that if you’re supplying agricultural produce in packages larger than 25 kilograms or 25 liters, these packages won’t be considered PRE-PACKAGED and LABELLED under the GST rules.

This means that these large packages are exempt from certain labelling requirements under the GST framework, which can simplify the selling process for farmers.

The amendment overrides certain rules from the Legal Metrology Act of 2009, which deals with packaging and labelling standards. By making this change, the Haryana Government aims to make it easier for farmers to sell their produce without getting bogged down by strict packaging regulations.

For farmers, this amendment is a positive step. It reduces the burden of strict packaging and labelling requirements for large quantities of produce. This can help streamline the selling process and potentially reduce costs.

This new rule is effective from July 15, 2024.