Heart Defect Closure: Innovative Stent Procedure Supported by Kerala Government

Kottayam Medical College recently achieved a significant medical milestone by successfully closing a sinus venosus ASD, a congenital heart defect, through a minimally invasive cardiology intervention. Traditionally, such defects necessitate complex open-heart surgery, but this innovative procedure utilized a stent inserted via the clavicle, akin to angioplasty techniques. This notification was published on July 10, 2024.

The procedure, performed on a 42-year-old from Pala, was led by the pediatric cardiology department, ensuring precision and care throughout. This approach minimized complications such as bleeding, obviating the need for blood transfusion and allowing for quicker recovery compared to traditional surgery. After post-procedural intensive care, the patient was discharged, highlighting the efficacy and patient-friendly nature of this advanced treatment.

The Health Minister of Kerala commended the dedicated team at Kottayam Medical College for their expertise and successful execution of this groundbreaking intervention. This achievement underscores the hospital’s commitment to pioneering medical care and improving patient outcomes in cardiovascular health.