ESIC Clarification regarding Correction in Date of Birth of Insured Persons and their Family Members / Dependents

Employees’ State Insurance Corporation has issued a Clarification regarding Correction in Date of Birth of Insured Persons and their Family Members / Dependents. It is clarified that when a beneficiary applies for correction of D.O.B where the desired change in the declared age is 3 years or more, the insured person should, in addition, be asked to appear before the Medical Referee who may be requested to advise whether his age and condition corroborate the revised age applied for.

Such a change may then be accepted if it is applied for by the insured person before any accident resulting in permanent disablement happens to him. After an accident resulting in permanent disablement no change in age/year of birth should normally be accepted and such cases may be referred to Hqrs. with full particulars for further consideration on merits.