Indian Organ Donation Day To Be Celebrated On August 3, 2024

The Government of India is launching a major campaign, “Angdaan Jan Jagrukta Abhiyaan” (Mass Awareness Campaign on Organ Donation), to promote organ donation and bridge the gap between those needing transplants and available donors. This notice was issued on June 24, 2024.

National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO)

One organ donor can save up to eight lives, offering hope to those suffering from organ failure. The government established NOTTO to streamline organ donation and distribution. This includes maintaining a national registry of donors and recipients.

Aims of “Angdaan Jan Jagrukta Abhiyaan”

  1. Reducing the need for transplants through preventative measures.
  2. Educating the public about brain stem death and its relation to organ donation.
  3. Encouraging deceased organ donation as a way to save lives.
  4. Fighting unethical organ transplantation.
  5. Addressing common misconceptions about organ donation.
  6. Encouraging hospitals to identify and report brain stem death cases.

Suggested Campaign Activities

  • Online Pledges: Encouraging online registration on the NOTTO web portal and toll-free helpline (1800-11-4770).
  • Public Awareness Events: These include organ donation runs, art competitions, skits, street plays, and social media campaigns to encourage online pledges.
  • Village and Panchayat Level Initiatives: Registration drives at village service centers with felicitation of organ donors planned for Indian Organ Donation Day (IODD).
  • District and Block Level Activities: Similar events to those at the village level are planned.

Widespread Participation

The campaign encourages participation from students, youth groups, and the general public. The District Collector/ Magistrate will oversee activities within their districts.

All Central Government Ministries, hospitals, and medical colleges (both public and private) are urged to organize activities during the July campaign month and on August 3rd, 2024.

Stakeholders are requested to organize activities, share information widely, and submit reports with photos to NOTTO.