National Green Hydrogen Mission Boosts Green Ammonia Production Target

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has announced a significant amendment to the National Green Hydrogen Mission’s SIGHT Programme. This program aims to incentivize the production of green ammonia, a key derivative of green hydrogen. This amendment notification was issued on June 21, 2024.

Increased Green Ammonia Production Target

The initial scheme guidelines, issued in January 2024, offered incentives for the production of 550,000 metric tonnes (MT) of green ammonia per year under Tranche I of Mode-2A.

The amended guidelines now raise this target to 750,000 MT per year, demonstrating a commitment to scaling up green ammonia production.

The MNRE has also indicated the possibility of further increasing this target based on future demand.

Significance of Green Ammonia

Green ammonia, produced using renewable energy sources, is crucial for reducing carbon emissions in various sectors, including:

  1. Replacing traditional ammonia production methods with green alternatives can significantly reduce the environmental impact of the fertilizer industry.
  2. Green ammonia can be used as a clean fuel source in various industrial processes.