Department of Consumer Affairs participates in interactive session on “dark patterns and strategies to implement the guidelines” to raise awareness

The Department of Consumer Affairs participated in an interactive session on “Dark Patterns and Strategies to implement the guidelines”, here today. The objective was to discuss in detail the issues related to dark patterns, persisting practice of using deceptive designs on online platforms and effective ways to implement the guidelines on dark patterns.

The Department had notified Guidelines for Prevention and Regulation of Dark Patterns 2023 in November 2023. The Guideline specify 13 dark patterns namely; False urgency, Basket Sneaking, Confirm shaming, forced action, Subscription trap, Interface Interference, Bait and switch, Drip Pricing, Disguised Advertisements and Nagging, Trick Wording, Saas Billing and Rogue Malwares.

The industry stakeholders are encouraged to cooperate in identifying such patterns by providing assistance and access to their data set in order to distinguish deceptive designs from genuine designs on their platforms.