CERC Connectivity and General Network Access To Inter-State Transmission System (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2024

The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has announced amendments to the regulations governing access to India’s interstate transmission system. These changes aim to streamline the process and encourage renewable energy integration. These amendment regulations were notified on June 19, 2024.

The amendment regulations introduce a new category for entities authorized to procure renewable energy for their own consumption or for resale.

They also now provide that minor deficiencies in applications will be intimated within 10 working days, allowing for faster corrections. Additionally, a new minimum capacity requirement of 25 MW applies for applicants in the North Eastern Region and Sikkim.

Land Use Rights

Government orders allocating land for renewable energy development can be used as proof of land rights in certain cases.

Bank guarantees can be used as an alternative to land ownership documents for some renewable projects.


Deadlines for addressing application deficiencies and submitting land ownership documents have been extended. The timeframe for achieving financial closure for renewable energy projects has been adjusted.

Revocation of Connectivity

Connectivity granted based on Letters of Award (LoAs) or Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) that are terminated can be converted to different categories under specific conditions.