MoRT & H clarifies that plying motor vehicles without valid motor third party insurance is a punishable offence

Ministry of Road Transport & Highways has declared clarified that Plying motor vehicles without valid motor third party insurance is a punishable offence. Those who drive or allow an uninsured vehicle to be driven without a valid motor third party insurance are liable to be punished, including imprisonment, for violation of the law.

Such offenders are punishable under section 196 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988:

  1. First offence: imprisonment upto three months, or fine of Rs. 2,000 or both;
  2. Subsequent offence: imprisonment upto three months, or fine of Rs. 4,000 or both.

Vehicle owners need to check the status of motor third party insurance of their respective motor vehicles and obtain / renew their insurance at the earliest, if not done already.