Consultation paper on Review of Eligibility Criteria of Stock Derivatives in line with the market growth

SEBI has issued a Consultation paper on Review of Eligibility Criteria of Stock Derivatives in line with the market growth. Public comments are sought on the following along with supporting rationale:

  1. Whether SEBI should review the eligibility criteria in line with the growth of broad market parameters reflecting size and liquidity of cash market.
  2. Whether the proposed revision in criterion related to MQSOS is appropriate.
  3. Whether the proposed revision in criterion related to MWPL is appropriate.
  4. Whether the proposed revision in criterion related to ADDV is appropriate.
  5. Whether SEBI should extend product success framework to stock derivatives

Considering the implications of the said matter on market participants, public comments are invited on the proposal. Comments may be sent to the following, latest by June 19, 2024.