Union Health Ministry reiterates the need for adhering to strict compliance of regulatory protocols and fire-safety norms in meeting with States/UTs and Healthcare Organizations

Union Health Ministry communicated to all States/UTs that temperatures escalate during the present summer months and hospital fires become a more significant threat, States/UTs are advised to conduct regular preventive fire risk assessment drills to identify potentially vulnerable areas. Clarifications on following areas are also issued:

  1. Need for strict compliance and rigorous periodic assessment of all health facilities concerning fire safety norms was emphasized.
  2. States/UTs and institutes advised to ensure better coordination with PWDs and local fire departments, so that fire safety NOC may be obtained in a timely manner.
  3. A checklist on ‘Prevention and Maintenance of Fire Safety’ was shared with States/UTs with the request to get the same filled by all health facilities and revert on the same.
  4. All States/UTs to ensure stricter compliance to regulatory protocols and regular mock-drills on fire safety after receiving feedback of macro-level assessments.