Mizoram Ramps Up Efforts to Contain African Swine Fever Outbreak

The Mizoram government has announced stricter measures to control the ongoing African Swine Fever (ASF) outbreak that has affected pig populations since March 2024. This comes after a similar outbreak in 2022 caused significant economic losses for livestock farmers. This press release was issued on May 30, 2024.

The rapid spread of ASF poses a serious threat to the state’s livestock sector, potentially causing devastating economic losses.

The State Disaster Management Authority has proposed the following preventive measures:

  1. Import Ban: A complete ban has been imposed on importing live pigs, fresh pork, and all pork products (including frozen) from other states and countries.
  2. Biosecurity Measures: The Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department will enforce mandatory disinfection of pig farms and implement strict hygiene protocols. Additionally, suspected pigs will be isolated.
  3. Carcass Disposal: Safe disposal of pig carcasses will be ensured following the “National Action Plan for Control, Containment and Eradication of African Swine Fever.”
  4. Surveillance and Reporting: Intensive physical surveillance of pig farms and immediate reporting of unusual pig mortality (domestic or wild) to designated helplines are crucial.

These measures are aligned with the national action plan for controlling, containing, and eradicating ASF. These stricter measures aim to prevent the further spread of the disease and protect the livelihoods of Mizoram’s livestock farmers.