Crucial Update: Preventive Actions for Heat Wave in Delhi

As the scorching sun beats down on Delhi, with temperatures soaring beyond 42 degrees Celsius, the Labour Department issues vital guidelines for workplaces. Ensuring the well-being of employees is paramount during this severe heat wave. Establishments, factories, shops, and construction sites must adhere to these precautions:

  1. Provision of ample potable water.
  2. Installation of cooling systems like fans or coolers.
  3. Employee education on heat wave safety measures, including head covering in sunlight,.
  4. Preparation of emergency kits containing ice packs and oral rehydration solution.
  5. Shift adjustments to avoid peak heat hours (12 PM–4 PM).
  6. Prompt reporting of any heat-related illnesses to nearby healthcare facilities.

By implementing these measures, employers demonstrate their commitment to worker welfare amidst challenging weather conditions. This notification was published on 08/05/2024.