Delhi Gears Up to Fight Mosquito-Borne Diseases

With the arrival of mosquito season, the Delhi Municipal Corporation has urged all institutions to take action against mosquito breeding grounds. This comes as the High Court of Delhi is monitoring preventive measures across the city.

The circular covers vector-borne diseases such as dengue, Malaria, and Chikungunya. These diseases are transmitted by mosquito bites. Additionally, climate change is leading to a longer mosquito breeding season. However, since there are no specific treatments or vaccines for these illnesses, prevention is crucial.

This circular applies to the following stakeholders located in Delhi who are responsible for maintenance of buildings/complexes:

  1. Heads of educational institutions,
  2. Religious places,
  3. Govt. offices
  4. Commercial complexes and agencies
  5. Resident Welfare Associations

Breeding Grounds and Solutions

Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water such as:

  • Uncovered water tanks
  • Coolers
  • Old tires
  • Flower pots
  • Construction sites

Therefore, the following action must be taken:

  • Ensure water tanks and containers are properly covered with lids.
  • Clean and refill coolers regularly.
  • Dispose of unused articles that can collect water.
  • Change water in plants and bird baths frequently.
  • Appoint a Nodal Officer to oversee mosquito control efforts.
  • Communicate the Nodal Officer’s contact information to health authorities.

They must also take the following measures:

  • Use mosquito nets and repellents.
  • Install wire mesh on doors and windows.
  • Report mosquito breeding to local authorities.

It must be noted that the Delhi Municipal Corporation (MCD) will take legal action against institutions that create mosquito breeding grounds. On detection of repeated breeding, besides legal notice, challan, a police complaint shall be lodged under the Indian Penal Code (IPC).


National Cooperative Policy

Government on 15.02.2023, has approved the Plan for strengthening cooperative movement in the country and deepening its reach up to the grassroots. The Plan envisages

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