FSSAI Clarifies Documents Needed for Establishing Proof Of Premises

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has issued a clarification on the documents required as proof of premises. The FBOs are required to furnish proof of premises for obtaining a food business license through the FoSCoS online portal. This advisory was dated April 12, 2024.

It may be recalled that FSSAI had issued a notification dated March 19, 2021 listing the documents to be submitted along with application for FSSAI license.

The FSSAI has noted that it receives several queries from stakeholders regarding acceptable documents to demonstrate possession of the business premises.

Hence, it has decided to clarify these aspects to foster ease of doing business:

List of Documents Recognised as Proof of Premises:

  • Sale deed, Rent/Lease agreement (valid for at least 6 months)
  • Government-issued proof of address (Voter ID, Aadhaar) for self-owned premises
  • Premise registration documents by Land Authority
  • Property tax receipt (within a year) or valid insurance/ fire safety certificate
  • Utility bills (electricity, water, broadband, gas) not older than 3 months from a government-authorized provider
  • Other government-issued documents for the premises

Additional Important Considerations:

The licensing officers may consider other documents proving FBO’s possession of the premises. The purpose of these documents is merely to ascertain that the FBO applying for the licence is in possession of the premises

These proof of premises documents must be in the FBO or authorized representative’s name.

Additionally, FBOs shall ensure that they update these agreements/ NOCs through FoSCoS if details change after obtaining the license. This applies also to non-form C changes which can be initiated on the portal without payment of any fee.

Furthermore, the responsibility of acquiring necessary permissions/ NOCs from other government bodies rests on the FBOs wherever necessary. The FBO shall acknowledge this responsibility by signing a self-declaration to this effect. This declaration must be submitted with the application for FSSAI licence/ registration.

This clarification aims to streamline the licensing process for FBOs and ensure they possess the required documentation.