Road Map for the reduction of Industrial Accidents in Factories – Odisha

The Directorate of Factories and Boilers of Odisha (“Directorate”) proposed a 10 Point Action Plan titled as Strategy and Road Map for the reduction of Industrial Accidents in the State of Odisha which has been approved by the Secretary to the Government through its Circular dated 19th August 2019, with a direction to the State to follow the safety compliance checklist meticulously. 

The Key take ways from the Proposed Action Plan approved by circular is as under:

  1. The State has identified 168 accident prone factories and 35 major accident hazard factories, which are required to draw an Annual Safety Calendar with atleast one special awareness program every month related to Occupational Safety and Health (OHS). This calendar shall be shared with the Directorate of Factories and Boilers and a copy is required to be submitted online at
  2. It has been proposed that those Factories who have licensed manpower of 250 or more will be create a Separate Pocket of Ideal work place similar to a DEMO FLAT where the plant equipment, housekeeping machine, electrical wiring, exit, color coding, illumination, safety signage etc will be maintained properly complying with the relevant statutes and applicable codes called AAINAA – Advance Action in Industries to Abate Accidents.
  3. Identified Factories employing 500 or more workers shall adopt a group of small factories in the vincity and play the role of Safety Buddies. The big factories will be mentoring the small factories by involving them in training programs, mock drills and first aid programs. The respective Zonal Assistant Director of Factories and Boilers will act as facilitators to promote the concept of Safety Buddies in the State.
  4. Those Factories employing 250 or more workers will be insisted to develop and provide Safety Mobile APP to employees to capture unsafe observations, unsafe act, unsafe conditions etc in a safety compliance checklist to view and rectify and introduce preventive measures on a day to day basis
  5. The occupier/manager in factories employing 100 workers or more shall arrange brief meeting near gate on first working day of each month, to discuss on theme based safety topic and administer safety including demos on firefighting skills.
  6. Factories employing 250 workers and more, shall identify certain places inside the premises which are considered higher risk level of accidents as Safety Hot Spots and monitor the same using a CCTV camera
  7. Accident-prone factories employing 250 workers and more will be encouraged to use of technology in material handling, process safety, disaster impacts such as GPRS system to track vehicle speed inside the factory and thermal imaging system to check the conditions of wires to prevent electrical short circuit.
  8. Those Factories employing more than 500 workers shall strengthen the Contractor Safety Management by fixing targets and evaluating performance with leading and lagging safety indicators on a monthly basis. Exemplary penal actions shall be instituted for violators.
  9. Those factories employing 250 or more shall require the supervisory level at the line to emphasize on identifying Unsafe Acts and Conditions at shop floor on a regular basis and ensure that such shortcomings are eliminated in a time bound manner.
  10. Factories with hazardous manufacturing process will be holding Mock drills at least twice a year, which will involve a response team, worker representatives and selected members of the District Crisis Group.

Click here to read the Notification

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