TRAI releases recommendations on “Encouraging Innovative Technologies, Services, Use Cases and Business Models through Regulatory Sandbox in Digital Communication Sector”

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) today released its recommendations on “Encouraging Innovative Technologies, Services, Use Cases, and Business Models through Regulatory Sandbox in Digital Communication Sector”. In view of new technological developments in 5G/6G, Machine to Machine Communications, Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, Virtual Reality, and others, there is a need to provide an environment in which new technologies, services, use cases and business models can be tested in live networks, or existing functions or processes can be refined.

The recommended Regulatory Sandbox framework is expected to give the Digital Communication industry’s startup ecosystem access to real network environments and other data of telecom network to help test the reliability of new applications before bringing them to market. The framework provides for using cross-sector cooperation in carrying out RS testing with the help of other ministries and agencies. By providing a RS framework that enable various digital communication sector entities to work together in a structured manner, these recommendations are expected to synergize the efforts of innovators, startups, telecommunications companies, government agencies, and regulators to boost innovation and start-up eco system.


National Cooperative Policy

Government on 15.02.2023, has approved the Plan for strengthening cooperative movement in the country and deepening its reach up to the grassroots. The Plan envisages

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